
Regular legal insights on best practices in privacy protection & privacy regulation domains and running Web 3 projects.

Managing Intellectual Property of a Web3 Startup

In this article, learn to manage various Web 3 project needs in correspondence with intellectual property policy.
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RoPA: Definition, Peculiarities, and When You Need It

RoPA is the core document to certify that your company's activity complies with GDRP policy. Learn more about its specificity and how to ensure that it's up-to-date.
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  • Everything You Need to Know about the Privacy Policy

  • Various NFT Marketplaces and Their Legal Structure

  • A Legal Guide to Token Options, Airdrops, and Other Unpaid Token Distribution Methods

  • The Legal Structuring Guide for Issuing and Distributing NFTs

  • What is GDRP?

  • Three Major Purposes for a DAO Foundation

  • Do You Need an EU Representative for Your Business?

  • The Comprehensive Guide to Privacy Compliance

  • How to Get Ready for Fundraising with a Web3 Startup

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